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2:05 p.m. - 2002-12-10
Blog like an Egyptian
I'm really enjoying my last few days here at work, because there is nothing for me to do, which allows for multiple blogs throughout the day.

I'm upset with diaryland's concept of a profile. I need to choose 5 bands, movies, and authors that sum up the whole of me. Impossible. My spectrum of taste is across the board. I've been changing my entries around and feeling them out. Each change does seem to bring a response from other devotees. I just enjoy meeting new people. I think maybe I'll continually change that aspect of my site.

Speaking of the profile, there is also the matter of the blurb where I tell people what my site is about. "...." Aren't all these sites about the same thing? I'm going to take my que from some of the witty Baptist church (oxy-moron alert!) signs around here. My new profile will read, "Sign broken. Come inside for message."


I did some Christmas shopping over my lunch break. I had earlier complianed that I had no money so I was going to make craft-gifts for Christmas. Well, I've recently come into money. So I bought my family gifts. Let's begin with my mother, Joyce. Joy is extremely hard to shop for. I went to our wonderful independent book peddler and asked "What's popular with the Mothers?"

I was promptly shown "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold. I poured over the dust jacket with earnest and read all the print. Jonathan Franzen and Michael Chabon gave it intriguing reviews, but the clincher was the following:

"The Lovely Bones is the kind of novel that, once you're done, you may go visit while wandering through a bookstore and touch on the binding, just to remember the emotions you felt while reading it. Intensely wise and gorgeosly written, The Lovely Bones is a heartbreaking page-turner. I envy the reader who is about to jump into the world of Susie Salmon and her incredible family." - Aimee Bender

That's what I wanted to get my mother for Christmas. (If it only had Fabio on the cover, I'd a picked a copy up for myself.)

My father, Ron. Quirky by nature. An OB/GYN. What do you get him?

Ah, the local (fiercely) independent bookshop, what can't they do. For my father I picked up a copy of George Singleton's collection of shorts, "The Half-Mammals of Dixie." George is a local, South Carolina author who teaches lit at the Governor's School and writes shorts for Atlantic, New Yorker, Zoetrope, Playboy and more. The copy I picked up was signed by the author during his in-store reading a few weeks back. That always makes for a good gift. A review?'s one off the back:

"George Singleton is a big-hearted evil genius who writes as if he were the love child of Alice Munro and Strom Thurmond."


That just leaves my sister, Lisa. This Christmas is her first as a cancer survivor, and the mother of a 1yr old child, Connor. (Yes, amishboy is a loving, doting Uncle.) She claims the child wants Bear in a Big Blue House. I do want to get him something entertaining AND educational, but something mommy can enjoy as well. That's why I'm picking up the DVD of the complete Schoolhouse Rocks! series. No child can grow-up without the sage words of "The Great American Melting Pot" "Elbow Room" or "Lolly Lolly Lolly get your Adverbs here!"

And....Christmas is a wrap!
