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3:31 p.m. - 12.18.2002
Deja Vu
I've been reading other people's blogs, and then some of my own just from today, and I think I've plagiarized. I'm cursed with not the memory of an elephant, but the memory of a team of elephants. The catch is I remember "what", but never from "where". I think half the things I type I read somewhere once, but now I'm remembering them as if original. I hope that's not the case. I haven't found any specific instances yet...but when I read my entries - it all seems so deja vu. Like I'd read it already. BESIDES when I wrote it (smart-asses.)

I've been cursed since birth. I can see a movie once and receit it back. I only need to read books once. I can watch 57 channels of TV at once. But I can't remember names. Or math. And I hate when people remind me of conversations we've had, especially during an argument, because they try to quote me or themselves. They never get it right. I can recall a convo verbaitum, so it just makes me angrier when they remember things wrong.

I'm not boasting. Or showboating. It's a curse.

In fact, I've heard from a fellow blogger who has had this same problem, and they feel that having such recall sometimes brings them across as a stalker. ...I can sympathize (or is it empathize?)

I've met people years ago, heard a tidbit about them, and then a mutual friend will re-introduce us years later. They look at me like they've never met me before, so I go through the motions of "meeting" them again. I'll throw that old tidbit out, and then they'll stare at me wide-eyed. No, I haven't been thinking about them. I just remembered, that's all.

Does this happen to anyone else? I can actually do it for people I've NEVER met. Just from listening, or having a class with someone, or for whatever reason, I can walk across campus and tell you about people that have never even met me. Now THEY would freak out if I were to meet them and tell them that I already knew stuff about them.

Obviously some stuff is a given. I know a lot of people that I have common interests with, even though I've never met them, simply because we wear a lot of stuff on our sleeves. Or more accurately, on our clothes, bumper stickers, etc. Slowly, I piece things together about them. So, they like a band I like. I'll see what car rhey drive. I'll see them downtown - now I know they bank at my bank. I'll see them at the grocery store - now I know they like Iced Animal Crackers. I'll see them at the bar - now I know they drink Newcastle. It all builds - and I pay no specific attention to it all. It just collects in the back of my head.

I don't go out of my way to learn about people. I have no desire to meet these people. I simply memorize faces and facts. Like the movie "Almost Famous" - I take notes with my eyes. Please tell me you're the same way?

If this is the norm - cool. If not - still cool. I was just wondering...and sharing a little more about me.
