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7:14 a.m. - 01.17.2003
Blizzard 2K3
I'm alive! Although we didn't get a world ending two inches, we did get a very destructive inch - I think we are in a state of emergency. Sure the sun is kickin' bright and the roads are clear and bone-dry, but that's no reason to keep school in session. Which they aren't.

I took a drive into town and around campus with my friend G to see how the kids were weathering the storm last night.

Oh college kids - what can't they do. The snow wasn't two hours old and already there was no end of anatomically correct snowpeople. None of them to scale mind you. Some of these snowmen would be EXTREMELY popular (and painful) if they were real. And I'm sure it's based in no small part of the short-comings of their creators (Pun intended).

On the plus side, I was reassured of the continual ingenuity of college kids. Seeing as how this is the snow-less southland - implements of wintery fun are unavailable and unheard of. This means sleds.

You see, Clemson is bordered by a massive lake that stretches all the way to Georgia. Where the lake meets the campus are two major levees or dikes or whatever you call 'em. They are the most perfect sleding hills created by man. Very high, very steep, and wonderfully smooth. However - there are no sleds. But that didn't stop a good two hundred kids from being out there - sleding on whatever they could get their ingenious and often criminal hands on.

Kids were on folding tables, plastic dumpster lids, street signs, trash can lids, pizza boxes - you name it. Being that we're close to the mountains, a lot of people have one-man kayaks, and these seemed to work the best. But of the invented sleds, the most effective was simply a trash bag worn as a poncho - lots of body sleding going on.


In other news, I'm finally leaving today. I'll be heading to my internet-less NC refuge. But seeing as how I'm going home to start my job hunt - I forsee internet access in the near future. You'll know of it's happening -cause that's when you'll hear from me again.


I've also found that I can have my cake and eat it too. It seems my facial-hair hating girlfriends of the past did not speak for everyone when they said "We girls hate facial-hair and we speak for everyone!". That's refreshing to know. Now hear this: Who wants a hairy and amish internet tryst? God I love the feel of stubble against the monitor...
