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4:25 p.m. - 01.27.2003
\"the Amishboy\"
My diary is spirialing down since I don't leave the house - leaving me with no experiences to write about.

I have to write about all the exciting things that happen between the computer and the kitchen. Which is surprisingly little.

Here's something. Go to your kitchen and get out the Peter Pan Creamy peanut butter. (Tell me it's Peter Pan Creamy. All others be damned.) Take the top off and put your face up to it and take in a good long smell.

It's such a distinct smell, that the back of your jaws tighten and your eyes water slightly, in anticipation.

I liken it to when you pour a couple of pixie sticks way-back under your tongue. Your mouth just locks up.


It's been about ten years since I've lived around my mom, and I'm now noticing that somewhere along the line she became a raging Republican. For her, every little bit of news that comes across her plate - Bill Clinton is STILL the evil mastermind behind it.

When did this happen? How did I not notice at holiday get togethers? Is this all just a part of aging maybe? I've spoken to my mom at length on this, and she firmly believes that Bill Clinton is at the heart of all of George W's flubs. She says this to me - straight faced. And is an educated woman.

It's painful to watch your parents age.


I mentioned my previous disappointment with my haircut. I can say that it's growing on me. ....

If I sculpt it properly, I can pull off a pretty good "caesar" look. (And when I say sculpt, I mean brush. Don't think that amishboy is one of these guys with ten pounds of Studio Hair Gel products. Please. I'm all Sassoon.)

Many a year ago I had done the "caesar" before. Except then, it was called "the Ross". And it was popular to have "the Ross" while dating a girl that had "the Rachel".

"The Ross" was cool because it was economical - you didn't have to get it cut so often. This is because when it grew out a bit, you still had "the Clooney", which was pretty cool as well.

But Must-See-TV isn't Must-See-TV anymore, so now it's just the boring "caesar". Except I hear fashion mavens have taken to calling it "the Amishboy". That is, if Joan Rivers is a fashion maven...

