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1:31 p.m. - 02.04.2003
Not picky! Just a limited menu is all...
I spent some time in Raleigh this past weekend hanging with coldradio. As always, a good time was had, and I am always affirmed that Raleigh would be a kick-ass place to live.

And then yesterday I got a call from Raleigh....


I've been casting my bait and fishing for a job for a few weeks now - and last night I got my first nibble at the end of the line.

A sent my resume to various Alumni Clubs from my university that are in the towns I would want to live. It seems somebody received it in Raleigh and passed it on. So I got this phone call last night at, like, 7:30-8ish by some women, asking me to defend my resume against a job I didn't even know about, what all it entailed, or even if I wanted it.

But I fielded all of her questions with poise and savoir faire. She wants me to meet her one night at a singles bar in Raleigh - to "go over my experience and qualifications" to "get the job done."

I've never really been on an interview before. I asked my mom if this was unorthodox, and she just yelled at me for complaining and then something about me not having what it takes to go the extra mile to get a job.

It seems I'm already bad at climbing this proverbial corporate ladder thingy. Boy, I didn't know these "power meetings" over a few drinks were so important. I'm determined now to meet this nice woman and giver her my absolute all!


I mentioned a "nibble" on my line, and I wanted to confess another secret....eating habits. I have a strange eating history. Or rather I HAD one, but it's changed. You see - I'm new to food.

Why, just last year was the first time I have ever tried pizza. About two or three weeks ago was the first time I ever ate a salad! And I must say I'm really enjoying it. Except it takes getting use to eating a whole new texture in greens. They're very crunchy

Growing up people would ask me if I was vegetarian, but I had to answer no because I had never tried vegetables either.

Times were that you could actually list EVERYTHING I ate. It boiled down to peanut butter (no jelly), apples, french fries and plain pasta (no sauce. just butter and salt.)

Slowly over time it grew to include most all breakfast foods (cereals and breads) most all dairy prodcuts, and then mac and cheese. By H.S. and college it was mostly just french fries, mac and cheese, and beer.

And then something changed. I went to Europe. And Europe doesn't do convenience food. Plus, as a traveler, I didn't have the money to order something, try it, and then order something else if I didn't like it. So I had to point at something on the menu and eat. And so I started to eat new things. And I've liked most everything I've tried.

There really is something exciting about being 23-24 years old and trying food for the first time with the relish and excitement of a 5 year old. Personally, I'm glad it happened this way.

Lately, when I go to a restaurant and I see that a salad comes with a meal, my face lights up like a kid on christmas morning. I lean over and whisper to my dining partner (usually mom) pssst. mom! it comes with a salad! I'm getting one! That's so cool! Are you going to do it too?!

She just cocks her eyebrows at me like, 'whose kid is this? He's wetting his pants over an appetizer'.

You see, I think my parents are in denial. They tried with heart and soul to get me to eat for twenty-some years. Endless nights as a child spent yelling, forcing, pleading. They stopped fighting it after awhile. I was told I couldn't leave the table until I had eaten or tried everything on my plate...they learned they couldn't win when I would sit there all night.

Now they're in denial because we'll talk about going out to eat, and they'll start making consessions for my strange habits and I'm like, "you guys, we can go anywhere. I eat everything now. ...we've been through this. You know it." And they just look at me like, "when the hell did all of this happen. I didn't get the memo!" It just won't register in their brians now.

The funny thing is...there was no rhyme or reason to it all. I simply didn't want to eat anything other than peanut butter and mac and cheese. That's it. And by the time I was older - there just didn't seem any point anymore.

Anyway - that's my whole crazy story. Granted, there is A LOT that I have yet to try. But baby steps. I can go to any restaurnat now and get something from the menu. Times were, I go out with firnds and just sit there. It's strange to look at a menu and not know what one single thing on it tastes like.

Some things I can tell you right now that I will never try. I have no desire to try a hamburger. Everything about it repulses me. I hate to look at people eat a hamburger. McDonald's commercials send me running. (oh, speaking of McDonald's, I have an ex that writes on D-land. She wrote a funny entry about MickeyD's here.)

My only problem is, when I try something, and I like it - that's all I want to eat for the next month. If I try an orange tomorrow and I like it - I'll want nothing but oranges.

Like right now, I'm convinced that everything tastes better with a little pesto on it.

And for you Kraft Mac and Cheese eaters - spice it up with a dollop of sour cream! Yumster-roons!

Okay. Enough about food from me. I gotta go have a Slim Fast and watch Trading Spaces. (You know how guys crush beer cans on their head in a sexy, look-at-me, mating-ritual way? DO NOT try this with Slim Fast cans. I learned the hard way...those suckers are steel!)

(Okay. I can't leave this last part up without a's a joke.)
