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1:12 p.m. - 03.04.2003
Encyclopedia Brown
Spent the morning watching British Antique Roadshow on Bravo. This is the first TV I watched since...well, I guess since MJ was on everyday.

Anyway, I idolize appraisers. To me that would be the bomb-diggity. These Mo-Fo's know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING. Art, Books, Furniture, Housewares, Pop Culture - and of course to tie it all together they have an encyclopedic knowledge of history and design.

They can look at a piece of porcelin, and tell you which little factory, in 1756 made it, the guy who painted it, and then a price. Fascinating. If you're into material things.

Of course, they specialize in various things. One person just does dishes. And another woman will do snuff boxes. But they know everything there is to know about dishes and snuff boxes.

I like the people that don't specialize - just a touch of everything. Their knoweldge isn't as deep, but man is it wide.

When the FX channel first started out they had an appraisal show on Morning FX. (I think that was the name). And then one called the Super Collectors. Anyway, People would bring items on to Morning FX, it would be appraised - some historical background info was given, and then they would ask the individual if they would care to sell the item. If yes, you could bid on it over the phone.

Any idea on how I could become an appraiser? Is schooling involved? I know a lot of useless crap already. Maybe that's my calling...hmmm....


HAHAHA! *ahem* sorry. I was just remembering a funny email that she sent me. She's such a nut! I emailed her last night about how we need to get together, and she wrote back, like, this whole long ten word diatribe about restraining orders and psychos. Goodtimes I tell ya...goodtimes... *wipes away tear from laughing*
