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12:02 p.m. - 03.15.2003
Rock the Cradle of Love
I was just re-analyzing me legal run-in with the law. Actually, it was so much fun. I found my recent brush rather...erotic.

All the brutality, handcuffs, and wide leather belts. Not to mention the cold steel of the officer's piece. Damn I love civil disobedience.

While being arrested I even grew a potty-mouth, in the hopes of a little dirty talk thrown back my way - but alas Officer V wasn't into foreplay. He just went straight into the rough stuff...which is cool sometimes too.

But it was all rather one-sided. I never got my turn to the put the cuffs on somebody. All I got were some bruises and scabs on my legs.

And then the whole, unknowing four month wait for court. Talk about antici......pation. VERY exciting. If there's one thing Officer V knows, it's how to tease a boy. But hey, sometimes amishboys are bad boys and we need to be punished!

But I'm glad it all ended when it did. Prison...why, that's a whole other story entirely. I'm not into the kinky stuff...
