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1:05 p.m. - 03.20.2003
\"You give me a story, and I'll give you a war.\"
The media is on my hit list right now. THEY'RE starting this war. The military hasn't technically even started the war yet (as of my writing this.) They shot some missles at a location they thought Saddam was at, as a pre-emptive thingy - but US intelligence missed him (surprise!). Iraq shot some back, and missed us (surprise!) and nothing more is really happening.

When 1,000 planes are flying over Iraq dropping a bazillion bombs - then you'll know when the war has started.

The media has updated their websites and cable channels with all the appropriate war logos, graphics, and titles - urging this puppy forward. Yes, we know it's coming. But you're not helping Mr. "I-need-horribly-sad-news-now" Media. Cool your jets buddy. Death is coming. Just you wait.

After the deadline passed last night, all the stations then went into hyper countdown mode. Like children watching Sea-Monkeys grow, they talked their usual talk, but in the corner of the TV screen they kept a live-feed running of Baghdad (sp?) so as to see the first glimpses of action (read: death). How disgustingly predatory.

For the books, I'd like to say that I grew up in an NBC household. And I've remainded brand-loyal into my adult life.

But last night, after the one opening (failure) volley of shots, Tom Brokaw made some disturbing remarks. They were speaking on the topic of precision guided bombs (you know the kind, the ones with the uncanny ability to miss their target and find civilians at all costs) and Tom said something to the effect of, "Precision bombs are great, because we need to keep the infra-structure of Iraq largely intact. Afterall, in a few days, we're going to OWN this country, and we want as little damage as possible." Excuse me? "In a few days we're going to own this country"?

I'm hereby boycotting NBC for the duration of Tom Brokaw's pathetic life. I think he maybe spent a little too much time inside the minds of "The Greatest Generation".


Itzie expressed surprise that the war was happening because it didn't seem to be the will of the people. I would like to point out that she has the luxury of living in a very liberal city. I saw more anti-war signs on my trip out to Seattle than I previously thought exisited. Some of us anti-war people are trapped in the middle of pro-war America, and must scurry from shadow to shadow for fear of retribution from our thoughts.


RDG and I have been joking with each other lately about becoming Canadiens together in protest of our country's abuse. Sometimes I feel like doing it for real.

An Open Letter to RDG:

I'm packing up my car tonight and heading out at first light. When I reach Seattle, we'll camp there a day, and then make our way into that wilderness of the Great White North known as "Vancouver".

We'll be like the Von Trapp clan crossing the Alps to safety. It'll be great. What say you? Whose with me? Anyone? We can even sing songs a la the Von Trapps! (I wanna play either Fredrick or Gretl. But then again, if I was Mr. Von Trapp, I'd have that kick-ass whistle...)


I'm having a total Office Space moment right now. I think my current manual labor job is ending, so I can get back to using all of my ed-u-ma-cation (thanks Sam!) in a more fitting manner. But secretly, I don't wanna. I wanna work outside. Lifting things, and sweating. I want a job that's an extension of my libido. I want to work with big tools like a drill and a jackhammer. I just want to nail things all day, and wear protection on my head like hard hats. And all that flannel and steel-toed boots...

...maybe I AM more cut out for pushing paper. I never thought about how gay manual labor was.
