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7:05 p.m. - 03.24.2003
Mamas & Papas & Oscars...oh my!
Just when I think I'm out...they suck me back in. I'm starting another week of grueling manual labor. Today was the worst. 9-5 of moving 500lb things around for no apparent rhyme or reason. If this is some kind of cruel joke - then I'm cool with it, because it's a cruel joke that pays. But today could've been a little better because I wasn't as chipper as I could have been...


...Every year I make a promise to myself NOT to stay up for the entire oscar's. And every year I break my promise. I should know better by now than to trust myself.

The oscars were....well they just were. Steve Martin: a golden god. I really hope he makes it to the 'In Memoriam' segment of the oscars like he wants. If anyone deserves it, he does. I've always become a giggly schoolboy to Steve Martin.

And this year he was unknowingly THE best choice the Academy could have made. As always the host needs to be funny - but this year they needed a specific kind of funny. A Steve Martin funny.

There's a kind of elegant slumming to his humor. He has poise - but not that Edwardian Peter O'Toole poise. More of a low brow masking as high. I've read all of his books that I'm aware of and if you enjoyed the kind of jokes he made last night, in a David Sedaris-style of writing, you should read him.

If you get the opportuntiy, read his short "On How I Joined MENSA". Funny stuff.

And you know how Michael Jackson is slowly becoming (or has become) a white person? I think Renee Zellweger is slowly becoming Asian. And last night is seemed as though Nicole Kidman is as well. And Catherine-Zeta Jones? Poor Kirk, she really let herself go.

Anyhoo, I enjoyed it. For more details, vivakate has the best oscar run-down I have read yet.


Soupergirl called me last night during some of the pre-oscar festivites on TV.

She was laughing at me though because my mom and I were fighting over control of the tv. I wanted to watch the oscar pre-shows. She wanted to watch the NCAA basketball tournament. Slightly disturbing, right? Basketball....over the oscar pre-show? Psssht.


Another disturbing revelation of mine recently came to me while jamming to an oldies radio station in my car. If I find a girlfriend/wife that can sing the Mamas to my Papas, I could die a happy man.

Like the Proclaimers mentioned here, I always find myself having to sing both the mama's AND the papa's parts of the songs. This is a real strain on my vocal chords - especially when Mama Cass really gets wailing in the higher ranges - and it doesn't help that I'm stone cold tone-deaf.

So yes, that would be nice. An amishgirl to play Michelle to my tone-deaf Papa John Phillips.
