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6:21 p.m. - 04.03.2003
L.A. 15: 7 mary 3 and 4 reporting...
My lord what a glorious day. Today the sky was tarheel blue and not a cloud in site. I sat out on the porch and drank cold Sierra Nevadas in the scorching sun while reading some David Sedaris. Not a bad way to spend a day off.

Also, I was pimpin' in my CHiPS sunglasses. I'm still a pasty Officer Baker - but soon enough I'll be a nice dark Ponch.

Today was spent laying that nice pink foundation of seriously damaged skin so I can add subsequent layers of dead brown skin later. But it doesn't matter - cold beers in the hot sun make it all worth it.

Also, from the looks of it, Seattle has a very well-known erotic cake shop - making this a most definite Seattle day! ;)
