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8:55 p.m. - 04.05.2003
\"The Rebirth Of Icarus\" or \"Action Plan C\"
If anyone has actually been reading about my "great move" debate, I think I should tell you that there are many behind-the-scenes factors that I do not mention. These factors are the cause of the roller coaster of indecisiveness in me. I don't share said factors because I'm learning I'm a whole lot more private and gaurded than previously thought.

With that said - Charleston is a no go. I don't have the money to a move to Seattle, but it's still on the list. Should I choose it, I'm willing to go into debt for it. *ahem* I meant "deeper" in debt.

My other choice is Raleigh. If I choose it, I will remain here at my mother's rent-free until I can move directly to a waiting job in raleigh.

That's where things stand. But the weekend is only half over. More updates will pour in I'm sure. Like little troops, Decision is slowly surrounding the Baghdad of my mind. It's only a matter of time until I fall. "Liberation" can't come soon enough.
