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6:05 p.m. - 04.11.2003
The Choice 2: An Explanation
I figured maybe my last entry was too cryptic and obscure, so I'm clarifying.

I have chosen to move to Seattle! Yay for decision! Yay for no regrets! Yay for bank account busting cross-country moves!

(clears throat) *ahem* The Catch:

a move to Charleston would have been cheap, easy, and could have happend tomorrow.

Seattle - is a different story. I'm trapped here for as long as it takes my mom to buy a new car and give me her old one. In Charleston we could have switched cars any old weekend. With Seattle, I must wait first. Which is no big whoop for me. But while I wait - no money comes into my life, only out. So my move is time and money sensitive. I only hope that the two factors stay in agreement.

In brighter news, I'm very much looking forward to a cross-country drive. I've already been thinking about the countless routes I'd like to take. Out-of-my-way stops through New Orleans, California, or Colorado to see some friends? Through Montana and the Dakotas to see the sights?

Secretly, I want to make this drive in the dead of summer - but I want to be settled in and on my way to being a Seattlite by the dead of summer.

I have plenty of fears that have come along with my decision. The only one worrying me currently is the drive out. All of my worldly belongings will be in the car. So, when I'm sleeping at a hotel at night - all my worldly belongings will be there for the taking. Scary. But I'll cross all bridges when I come to them. And then burn them to the ground like horrible witches!! ...wha?

Now is the time for celebrating decision! I hear you calling PBR, you randy minx you. What's that you say? A toast to Seattle you say? Well said. Here,here. Huzzah!
