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12:30 a.m. - 05.23.2003
Pennies From Heaven
My current residence has become like a bus station or the DMV. Waiting. And waiting. Sleep, eat and then waiting.

I'm pulling my hair out to leave for Washington and start living my new life. I'm glad I decided to stay the few extra weeks for the chance to see my sister because the wait has finally bored me of the unemployed life and I'm ready to be a productive stranger in a strange new place around strange new people.

I do have some good news of sorts.

Now, I've never considered myself a lucky man. I'm one of those people that feels like I never "win" things like contests, lotteries, hearts, laughs, raffles or whatever. But at the same time, I've never been one to worry about money. I've never had insane amounts of it, but even in my darkest times money seems to find me. And I will take this quirk over luck any day.

I can't really explain how - but money finds me. But always in just the right and modest amounts. When I was a kid I would stress about not having money to buy my family what I felt to be nice gifts. But then I would find an old wallet or something.

In college, whenever I would get to my last dollar - I would get a timely piece of mail carrying a check that I had in some way earned but forgotten. Like the rest of my life, I hit all the financial lights on yellow - but I always seem to breeze on through with no worries.

Anyways, all this waiting around to leave and traveling to see my friends one last time has put a strain on my already fragile financial situation. But then tonight, true to form, money found me. It sniffs me out like a dog to a heiny. Just follow your nose - it always knows!

My mom's mother is very old and has no memory of her life before each new morning. My grandfather was a miserly banker so when he passed, my grandmom was taken care of. I'm not too sure of the specifics, but she must have accumulated a lot of interest or something so my mom and my uncle have decided to let a little trickle on down to us grand-chillins'.

No great amount mind you, peanuts really, but enough to set my mind at ease and enjoy the last remaining weeks of my post-graduate vacation.

Whereas before my trek to WA would have been Wendy's $.99 value menu and junior Frosties the whole way, now I'm getting all the Biggie Fries, Big Gulps, and Double Bubble Burp-a Colas I can get my hands on! *tsk* grandparents...what can't they do.
