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4:30 p.m. - 07.23.2003
Hail Hail The Gang's All Here
Today marks the first day of my full-time return to the internet. I took the plunge and splurged on a little thing called....wait for it....56k dial up! Oh internet circa 1996, what can't you do!

So, down to business: I temp and spend. That's the new Circle of Strife, baby. Temp and Spend. It's a lot like the summer of my sophmore year in college when my mantra was Carnage, Rinse, Repeat.

Unfortunately, I spend more than I temp. But I've convienced myself that the internet was the only thing separating me from a successful job search - so now I have no excuses. And I fully believe that if the economy wasn't in the state that it is, and Seattle's unemployment levels didn't match that of Calcutta's, I would be making 80G's right now. ....based solely on devilsh good looks. (see I remain upbeat and positive - nay, arrogant! I laugh in the the face of debtor's prison!)

So many little stories about my one month in Seattle to date - but the only thing that stands out is that I saw a guy at Capitol Hill Block Party wearing an Amish hat! I told him it rocked. I'm assuming he wasn't amish because he was also wearing US Postal Service shorts. But I suppose the amish can walk the postal beat for Uncle Sam - last I looked there was nothing mechanical involved in stationary and stamps. Plenty of electricity though.... ...?

So anyways, I just got on this thing and wanted to update. But if you will excuse, I must go find a job.
