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8:51 p.m. - 08.18.2003
Existential Blues
Since I moved into my place two months ago I've been finding little signs from a previous resident. I believe Russell Nash of A Beautiful Mind fame lived here once. There are numbers and math problems scribbled in pencil all over the place, in the most random of places.

It's something of a mystery/puzzle that I've been trying to work out.

There is some math done underneath my kitchen table that I discovered while hooking my computer up. Then there are the faint formulas written on the table top proper. There are the numbers written on the side of the fridge. And the extremely large number written across multiple window panes. I've even spotted some penciled numbers outside in the vestibule by the mailboxes in that oh-so-familiar handwriting.

I'm dying to know the story behind this compulsive number cruncher. I've never known a math vandal.


I'm currently fighting multiple addictions to water, Gatorade, and homemade cheese quesadillas.


I've decided that the past-time of Internet surfing should become some sort of art, or competitive sport.

Like most people, when I'm bored I like to play around with search engines by testing my ability to find something completely random.

I'll test my search prowess by looking for specific pictures or audio files from long forgotten shows, movies, videos, actors, etc.

Sometimes I'll see how specific I can get with my search terms, other times I'll see how broad I can get before it gives me what I want.

The best though is when I can't find reference to something. It drives me nuts and I love it. It goes on this mental list of mine for "things not easy to find on the internet" and when I have a free minute at work or elsewhere I'll start looking for it. The deeper I have to dig and the more frustrated I become the more I love it.

As much crap as there is out there, I can say that I've eventually found everything, or enough of something to satisfy me. Although some things don't stay around long. I finally found a trailer to a long forgotten cheesy '80s film (Super Fuzz) once, but I went back to admire my find months later and it was already gone.

If I'm really bored though and I want to test myself - I simply look for people. This is by far the hardest thing. Unless you're somebody who is completely entrenched in the internet, or publish a lot of things on the web under your real name - for the most part we don't exist on the internet. White page directories are a joke. None of my past residencies have been listed for over five years.

I'll choose a random, long lost H.S. friend and search them out. To my surprise and *winkwink* amazing search capabilities I have found various people and their email addresses in some out-of-the-way places, but for the most part I search for people knowing I'll have to admit defeat.
