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6:48 p.m. - 10.30.2003
A fat bull between my legs
Sitting around, wondering what to do with the rest of my weekend in the wake of that most holy of pagan holidays, Halloween, it hit me:

I want a solid 8 seconds of fat bull between my legs. I forgot there's a bar I've never been to in Fremont that has a mechanical bull. Hell yeah I'm going! This urban cow-poke is going to tame that naugahide beast! Yeeehaw!


In light of my recent track record - I just realized there is no gauge for you all to know when I'm actually being serious.

Because the bull thing - that's serious.

But seeing as how I'm the little boy that cries wolf - a lot - I've gone and shot my credibility in the foot. I'll tell you what - since most everything that dribbles outta my mouth is at least based loosely in fact - just assume it's true unless I say otherwise, deal? Cool.
