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7:46 p.m. - 12.11.2003
Bittersweet Surrender
The sweet never tastes as sweet without the bitter. For this reason - I think that the drunks on the street must prefer the cold and snowy nights of winter.

It's the time of year where they can taste success. They literally feel a warming sense of accomplishment with each sip. All their hard work becomes tangible - their impending death never so inviting.

I myself enjoy stepping out of the bar and onto the street on a chilly winter night with that fuzzy and warm all over feeling. And a warm grin stuck on my burning face. It makes what would be a cold walk home practically a stroll on the beach. It's actually a cool feeling - that juxtapostion where you know it's biting cold on the outside, but you simply don't care cuz you're a sauna on the inside. I imagine it's what a fogged-up car window feels like.

I can only imagine then what it is like for the professional drinker. Thinking about it just makes me wanna sit in my own urine. (too much? sorry. I walked home from work. It's a colorful walk, to say the least. Gets the mind wandering)
