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3:22 p.m. - 10.21.2004
Say Cheese!
Have you ever loved something so stinking much - but all you ever do is get hurt? But the masochistic you keeps going back for more?

God damn do I love cheese - but why oh why on god's green earth is melted cheese hotter than the sun? I�m talking specifically here about pizza. More specifically the pizza I had for lunch.

It's a given that when a pizza comes out of the oven, the cheese will be hotter than sin, sure to leave the roof of your mouth a dripping, raw mess of scorched tissue. So you play it cool. Shove your hands in your pockets and walk around the room, pretending to not notice the pizza, as you actually notice every intense second of coagulation.

A couple minutes go by in the name of safety before you try to take a bite - but surprise! It fooled you! Underneath the cool facade - the cheese remains hotter than Hades! 30 minutes later! ....sucka.

But you know what? I don't care. I'll have pizza tomorrow. Hurt me once...shame on me. Hurt me a second...hurt me again...shame won't hurt me again.

Seriously though - when you burn the roof of your mouth, I think they're serious, like, nth degree burns. It's just that that type of skin happens to be super resilient. Cuz this one time, at the dentist's office, I had had pizza maybe a few days or a week prior and, surprise!, had burnt my mouth. Anyway, I go to the dentist a few days later and he's scoping out my pearlies and he's all, "I see you ate something pretty hot the other day." And I'm all, "w.t.f.?!" (I actually just spell out the letters). And I really had to stretch to remember I had pizza days before. So yeah, like any good lover, pizza really burns you good. And here ended the lesson.


p.s. today at work I won 2 tickets to anything I want that's ticketed by ticketmaster. thppppppt!
