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12:33 p.m. - 12.06.2004
If you believe in forever...
I was reading some crap,, when I had an idea.

Don't they say that, when in office, a president ages something like 100 yrs? Bush is already looking much more ragged after 4 yrs. Another 4 will probably kill the poor lamb.

My point though is - it won't. I think sometime around the Nixon adminsitration they developed some sort of super-human serum that all president's take. This is only the third time in history so many ex-presiden't have been alive. And not just alive - considering the age of these puppies - they're alive and kicking!

Look at Bush Sr - the dude is a WWII vet. WWII!! He's running around the world doing all kinds of meet and greets with Barb in tow. (I think the wives get the serum too!). We're talking about mid to late 80's individuals. Sharp of mind and mobile.

My grandparents that made it into their 80s stayed relatively sharp of mind - but I'll be damned if they were mobile! Carter can't build enough habitats for humanity, and Ford is known to put in an appearance or two. These are dudes that were already old in the 70s! Regean only just past recently, at what, 152 yrs old? Alzheimer's usually deteriorates people pretty fast.

And acting persident's don't get colds. Ever. They're out and about, giving speeches and meeting people every day - and they're never once sniffly or coughing. Their private doctor keeps them constantly boosted on a nice little antibiotics cocktail daily - a la Hitler's doctor. I reckon there's some steroids in the mix too.

My point is, I'm concerned about the eerie non-loss of faculties in some of these older president's. Something is definitely up. They may age 10 or 20 years in office, but they'll be around like cockroaches, long after the bomb has dropped.


This Thursday in Seattle: Deck the Hall Ball.


Modest Mouse

Franz Ferdinand


The Killers

The Shins

Snow Patrol
