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12:10 p.m. - 01.09.2003
\"Let's hear it for the boy!\" - Footloose Soundtrack
"Let's hear it for the boy!" (the amishboy that is *winkwink*)- Footloose soundtrack.

I just came out of legal pep rally #2, and it was just as fun as legal pep rally #1. Now, I have to choose between the two. How do you choose which dog will jump through the hoops better when they both do it so well? (Or at least appear to)

Secretly.....I think this is a test. You see, I'm waiting for all this to be over so I can start my professional life, right? Well - that would be in Human Resources. And as an HR director, I will one day have two equally qualified resumes in front of me and I will have to make such decisions regularly. Damn you life - ALWAYS with the lessons!

The only difference between pep rally 1 and 2 is the moo-la involved. Stupid pet-trick #1 will jump through the hoop for 1500 bones, and stupid pet-trick #2 will do it for 2000 bones.

I don't think I need to tell you that that's a lot of bones. Bones that I don't have.

I don't know why these dogs are so into bones anyway - they're only gonna bury it or choke on it.
