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12:03 p.m. - 2002-12-07
Penis, Scotch, and the singing saw
A bit hung-over today. But not too bad. Last night was the night I chose to celebrate the end of Academia with The Cast. It was just one of those nights. Example:

Nick: Aahh, Scotch. A drink for being when making war.

*later, at the Uptown Sushi Bar*

Big D (holding his glass to his cheek): God I love Scotch.

Me: So I see! You two look great together. I'm happy for you...

I began the night by checking out some live music at the wine bar. It was Claire KettleBell, formerly of Claire & Bain's Maple Yum Yum. Now she was in a "songwriting collective" called the Rhino 5 (but there were 6 of them? I wonder if it was another mind game, like Ben Folds 5, of which there were 3?)She rocks, even though the music is decidedly anti-rock. More of a Folk-Blues Acoustic thing really. The catch is...she plays the saw. Like an old hand saw in your grandad's workshop. She bends it in all manners while rubbing a violin bow against it. Boy that thing can make some hauntng noises. I think it boarders on performance art.

Later, I caught up with the Big Man, JB and Champagne, and we caught another acoustic act at the sushi bar. We then picked up the Big Man's business partner's drunk girlfriend, who drug us to Upstairs Tiger Town for some Fussball, which I thoroughly enjoyed! First we played guys v girls, which we dubbed Penis' v Vagina's. Then we switched it up for some hot girl-on-girl action. And then a single's match of Penis v Vagina again. It was a good fight, but the Penis dominated. Isn't that always the way? Actually it was a tie. But in my mind, the penis dominated. Not that the penis dominates my mind, but...oh, forget it. :)


So, I've been thinking of ways to get to Seattle in the next month or so, but then it dawned on me....I can't. I got arrested a few weekends ago. Since I opted to do community service in lieu of a court hearing, I'm tied to this general area for at LEAST another four months. A bummer. I was schemeing pretty hard lately on making this whole thing happen.


I'd like to say that my typing and spelling is the pits, and I don't proof read these entires.


I'm straight, but I have a hetero man-crush. On Alexander Hamilton. Specifically, Alex on the new ten dollar bill. He's the bee's knee's. George W. has that crazy Mona-Lisa mouth thing going. Andy Jackson on the twenty has that wild, unkept look - as does U.S. Grant on the fiddie. And Benjamin is just too darn old. Oh, but Alex. Be still my beating heart. Look at him. Poised perfection. And he lived life full-throttle. Revolutionary fighter, smart banker-type (invented the Dept. of Treasury single-handed) and was still cocky enough to dabble in a duel now and again. A curse the name Burr for all eternity!


How to speak southern: Lesson 1.

There is a chain bar here called "the Wild Wing Cafe". To pronouce it properly, let's start with the word Wild. First, drop the "d". Just say, Wile, as in While. But then extend the "I" for a bit. So it's Wiiiiiile. Now slur it together with Wing, making Wiiilewing. Then add Cafe! the WiiiileWing Cafe. This concludes the lesson.


I'm feeling creative today. Maybe I'll change the songs on my MP3 player. Or my boxers. (this last one answers a number of emails I've been receiving regarding a certain personal preference, so please stop filling up my inbox ladies!)


Time to go start my day! I'll tell you how it was later. Will you wait with baited breath? LIAR! I know you won't. (*hoarsly* okay amishboy. Be. Strong.)
