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5:21 p.m. - 12.13.2002
Look ma! - No stops!
As you can see - I've been tweaking my site. It's just a modified template but I feel so much more comfortable. Before I felt like I was in a new place, but just living out of boxes. Now I'm all unpacked and starting to feel cozey. I got my shoes kicked off, my zen rock garden is pumpin' some vibes my way, and the Yanni is kickin' on 10. (okayokay. Who am I kidding. I'm curled-up under an amish quilt and blowing on a nice steamy bowl of porrige. But dammit, it's home!)

I finally had reason enough to dust off photoshop and try my hand at some HTML. Soon I'll be ready to throw my first party in my new digs.


If I throw a party, I suppose the hip thing to do is to "spare no expense" and to "pull out all the stops." Would I even know if I went to a party that still had some stops left in it? I imagine pulling out all the stops is a matter of crossing your t's and doting your i's in the social event planning stages. Making sure that nothing can go wrong, hence "stopping" your party or the fun within. But I can't imagine being able to pull out ALL the stops. By tradition, chaos is the major governing ideology at a party - not calm. How can I prepare for the unknown?

The next time someone bounds up to me to inform me of a party where they have pulled out all the stops, I'm gonna yell, "Liar! * then whimpering softly, bottom-lip trembling* it can't be done." and then throw my face into my hands and run away sobing.
