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3:40 p.m. - 12.17.2002
I've written about three blogs now of a ponderous and bulky nature, that I have promptly deleted after completion. In them I have waxed political (George W Bush and the death of us all) and philisophical (I tried to start a movement. Youth of the nation, move back to your ancestral lands (Europe?)and become starving, ex-pat artist types!) and WAY too judgmental (macram� sickens me.) Today was one of those days. I came back to my cube after being treated to a suprise free lunch (should've had the '76 Dom) and wrote a lenghty diatribe on the differences between cat people and dog people, and how they are essentially the same differences that seperate Letterman from Leno people.

Oh, and how bird and reptile lovers are an entire breed apart. Let alone those with a freak affection for both. (Amishboy shivers at thought of going to friend's house with both a bird and iguana that roam FREE) I think this is where enjoyment boarders dangerously close to fetish.

.....I've lost my train of thought. Ah well. It's 4 o'clock. My working day is done. I suppose it can wait till tomorrow. Time for Sherpa Amishboy to go do some more packing. God I live the glamorous life...later some A-list celebs are coming by my place for Yahtzee and fondue. For once I wish J.Lo and Ben would keep the PDA to a minimum. I mean really, I could care less if the girl can roll Yahtzee without using her hands...Gwyneth and I are trying to fondue.
