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4:02 p.m. - 01.21.2003
To name a few, Instant Karma Poop-Factory
Maybe I spoke too soon . Maybe I can keep a daily dose of red in my life afterall.


I'm not attatched to the idea of a girl named Alex and a boy named Keaton by any means! A girl named Keaton and a boy named Alex is a-okay with me! (Unless of course you prefer Mallory and Nick). But I must put my foot down someplace - I am four-square against using Skippy.

To ramble, I like girls with guys names, like: Ryan, or McHale, or Mackenzie. Or the extreme, like out-of-date names like Doris, Ruby, Olga, Lois, or Linda. (?) For dudes...I just.Don't.Know. Maybe for guys it's best to use old family names. I'm not cool with the current trends in names, like Caleb, or Taleb, or Hunter, or Tyler. What guy wants to be 75 yrs old and called Hunter? Or Jayden? A guy should have a name so that the other kids on the playground won't fuck with him, like....Tolstoy!

(Being amish, you'd think I'd be partial to biblical names. Ezra. Ezekiel. Hezekiah. Nickodemus. Hiram. ...but I'm not.)


What were you thinking of RDG? Something cutie-patootie I bet!


My moving here to my mother's to job search happened to coincide with her getting a new puppy. What a blessing this has been!

Not only do I get to read turn-down emails all day, but I get to clean up drippy puppy poop as well! Yeah! (happy feet dance!)

I'm pretty sure this is all part of a grand evil plan my mom has been harboring. Now that I think back, she did have an extra big grin and an uncharacteristically quick "yes!" when I asked to move in temporarily. Like she had been fiendishly wringing her hands late at night with a perfectly Grinchy-smile, WAITING for her plan to come to fruition, and this was her moment. And now I see what it was....a poop-factory puppy named Annie. God bless you mother, you gentle, life-giving soul...

....I believe it was the late John Lennon who said, "Instant karma's gonna get you."

(Maybe it's time to start thinking about Dad's house....look out Georgia, here I come!)
