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8:48 p.m. - 01.26.2003
Amishboy 'n' Diaryland 4-ever!
I'm embarrassed to say that I haven't ever poked around diaryland much. I found the place looking for info on Seattle. That led me to red (aka amishgirl. I'm feeling bold and saucey. Mostly saucey. There was a sea of half empty, lipstick stained wine glasses and beer cans after my mom's Super Bowl party. She made me finish every last one....she muttered that it was something to do with duty and the impending war and all. Who am I to question...) Anyway, RDG unknowingly led me to the wonderful Ms. Itzie . And that was where I started.

So now I'm making this drunken booty-call to diaryland.

Now I find my new diaries that I read through chance and other people. And I've been blessed that these new diaries that I read are all so great! (You know who you are - mostly because you're on my fave list!)

Today I took a walk around the place however. I didn't even know that diaryland HAD an evil counterpart named LiveJournal. I walked around it too! It just felt so horribly wrong. And un-userfriendly. I felt like I was betraying a good friend and high-tailed it back to warm, loving, navigable diaryland.

And I didn't know what a diary was capable of becoming. Like unclebob . This guy must be the hub that the wheel called 'diaryland' turns on. There are well over a thousand people that list him as a fave!

The strangest by far was troubledteen , I have to admit it made me LOL!

Anyway, I found some interesting stuff out there.!

I don't know why I'm waxing so rhapsodic. Boy this wine makes you all emo. Oh great. Now I have something in my eye....*sniff* Igottago! (hiccups and then passes out on keyboardfkjlkjflkjljflkjflkjflkjfljflkjflkjfljflkjfljflkjflkjflkjdl
