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10:45 a.m. - 04.15.2003
Come on ride the train - and ride it..(whoot-whoot)
So, George "Dubya" Bush tricks people like my mom into thinking that Iraq is bursting at the seams with weapons of mass destruction (wmd). Weapons that pose a threat to the US. So they throw on their war paint and march to the living room to park it in front of CNN for 20-30 days. 20-30 days of heart-wrenching americanism, for those poor troops who had this terrible evil thrust upon them innocently and they're just doing their best to subdue the Iraqi aggressors so they can come home.

And then we win. And Iraq was no real threat to us. Ever. So what happens? The government spins around with pointed fingers, "Wait! have chemical weapons!"

Shouldn't they find their smoking gun in Iraq BEFORE chopping off their other foot? Is this administration TRYING to turn the world against us? Cuz they are doing a very impressive job if they are - hats off to them.

(Damn it. I didn't even come here to talk about this today.)


If all goes well - my cross-country trek to Seattle is shaping up to be one helluva drunken bash! I'm too excited for words. I mean, I'm going to have to stop from day to day anyway right? Might as well stop off and have drinks with completely kick-ass d-landers!

The only thing troubling me is this.

Do I need to be making such expensive choices right now? Like cross-country relocation? Especially when east coast family members are pledging east coast financial support.

On the west coast, amishboy is on his own. ...which is secretly appealing - in a sexy I-may-fail-and-be-a-toothless-hobo kinda way. I'm diggin the mind games. Keeps my mental fortitude up. I feel like I'm hazing myself.
