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12:12 p.m. - 05.22.2003
Aiken For Some Clay
Last night I was in Raleigh hangin' with coldradio and swtapplpie and we stopped off for a drink and noticed the American Idol finale was on.

I haven't been watching this show, but you would have to live in a cave to not know the score - Clay Aiken or Rueben Studdard (sp?)were the final two contestants.

I need to mention that I was watching the finale in Raleigh - and that Clay Aiken is from Raleigh. Clay-mania was evident everywhere. American Idol was broadcasting a pro-Clay audience live from the RBC Center in Raleigh (a large sports arena thingy) and the local news stations were all over it. Thousands of people were jammed into this thing. In fact, where we had stopped for a drink, there was a family at a table across from us and all the little girls at the table were wearing Clay Aiken t-shirts!

Swtapplpie is a Raleigh schoolteacher, and she said at school she overheard fellow teachers talking about how the competition is a landslide for Clay because he's just so damn hot! (I personally think something is askew with the boy but I can't place my finger on it. He looks very elvish to me. And he has an eerie glow.)

Needless to say, Clay is already the idol of Raleigh. But Coldradio said someone told him that the local hip-hop station that morning said that if Rueben didn't win - it was a racist and fixed competition, and they weren't joking. Coldradio and I agreed that if the same comments were to be made about Clay on another station, say a country station, that station would have quickly found itself in a lot of hot water.

So anyway, long story short (too late!) I experienced Clay-mania first hand last night and much like the man it idolizes, I found it all a little creepy.


I also get upset about old white men who still have positions of power and no comprehension of diversity. This man should have the judge's equivalent of a dishonorable discharge. But I know he won't. Because he's a rich old white man. Disgraceful.
