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9:22 a.m. - 07.10.2003
Social Leprosy
I'm working, but I don't really have the opportunity to write in this thing at work. My poor ass needs internet at home!

Okay, when I say "work" I mean "temping". As suggested to me recently, I'm going to take a white t-shirt (again, a Hanes Beefy Tee, natch) and a Sharpie and go into work wearing a shirt that just says TEMP across it. I also think maybe I'll wear white jeans and white patent leather shoes - no wait, patent leather loafers!

Like my temp job right now? Yeah, I have my own executive office space on the 53rd floor of the Washington Mutual Tower, with a killer view of downtown Seattle and Mt. Rainer. That, for once, is no BS.

I feel like I have a million things to write in here, but when I finally do I draw a blank.

My 4th of July stands out. I don't know whose idea it was originally (I fear I'm reading too much, and then my mind tries to trick itself that what I read was an original thought) but on the 4th I dressed up like an indian and booked it on down to the Safeway and dumped all the English tea off the shelf. I mean, please, no taxation without representation. That night? Yes I drank too much. Yes my hair caught on fire. And yes, I puked all over myself all night and all the next day. All the rumors are true. Why, what did you do?

There is of course all the kick-ass people I've met like birdgyrl, cruznmazrati, monkeybar and the rest of the crew.

(They're all really cool, but they may read this so I have to butter them up!) They may be the coolest, best looking people on the planet! ;)

They're cool in that special way - that "we like movies about middle class Indiana boys fascinated with Italian, 10-speeds and swimming in a quarry" way.

Seriously though, everyone's so chill. They were all new to the area once too so I think they know where I'm coming from.

The only two problems I'm having so far are 1.) I'm painfully shy by nature, so it never helps matters. and 2.) I'm definitely going to change as a person out here, so in anticipation of that I've taken a social backseat, trying to figure out what my dynamic is to be with everyone. Oh! problem 3.) I over-analyze to the point of exhaustion. I need to learn to jump in the pool - fuck all this "testing the water" crap.

I'm quickly going to be known as the quiet one, and then one day the flood gates will open and I'll be my normal shit-talking self and everyone will be like, "Who's this psycho?!" Ah yes, good times ahead I tell ya.

But until then, hanging out with me will seem a lot like being in a Benji movie - not so much with the talking. But who doesn't love Benji?
