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6:02 p.m. - 10.29.2003
The 'Ween
Halloween is upon us. What are you going as?

Me, I've decided to go as the John Denver and the Muppets Christmas Special. Basically I'll dress up as the Brawny man, sans moustache, and then pin a bunch of Muppet stuffed animals to myself. I wanted to be something nobody else would be - so I figured I'd go as a TV special. It was that or the VMA's, but Madonna wanted 50G's just to pop in and french me for 2 secs.

I also thought about going as a school bus for an all-girls high school. Then I could walk around all night and ask them if they wanted to ride me. Don't give me that look. What? What did I say wrong? Oh, sure, now you're gonna give that crap about pedophilia jokes not being funny post-9/11.
