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7:03 p.m. - 12.09.2003
They're so not nuggets
I'm guilty of loving those Toys R Us commercials where Geoffrey talks. Yes, they're stupid - but he's so gee darn funny! Like when he talks Santa down on the phone - *tsk* can't get enough of that one. Damn I love me some talking giraffe.


I never realize the gravity of a situation until long after it�s already crashed to earth. Hard.


For eight hours in the day at work I dream about being home, asleep in bed. And then for eight hours at night, I unwillingly dream about being at work.

It seems my mind is always thinking about being where my body is not. They only seem to meet up for that brief period between work and sleep, and then again on the weekends.


Sometimes at work I do daydream about other things. Like how it would rock to drive around with my kids as we all belt out Baby You're A Rich Man by the Beatles. Just one of their songs that screams to be sung out loud while driving with kids - that and Ob-la-di-ob-la-da, and Bungalow Bill.


I love how we have the tendency to laugh whenever we see animals doing it. Nature always has a great way of reminding us to chill out - with a wink, it tells us we have someplace else we could be and something better we could be doing. And we laugh, cause we know it.
