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8:30 p.m. - 05.23.2004
Show Me Your Stunt Butt!
Read today where they think roughly 5,500 Iraqis have died since America rolled up in that piece to protect oursleves from their nuclear weapons, cuz of 9/11 and all, y'know?

So - walking through the math - 3,000 people died on 9/11, and now almost twice(!) as many civilians of an unrelated country have died, in our efforts to curb another 9/11? Is that how you stop the deaths of 3,000 more americans - randomly offing 6,000 somewhere else? Is this that "fuzzy math" polticians are always yaking about?


workworkwork, playplayplay - that's my life now.

I started a video sketch comedy troupe called Stunt Butt. The pilot is kind of a Spinal Tap meets The Office thingie. Stunt Butt is this hipster Electroclash band that is way more into their image than actually ever producing a single song. And they beacome insanely popular and famous in the elitist Seattle music scene, without anyone ever hearing them play a single note. There's a funny bit where they get so big and they hold a cattle call to cast the stunt butts for Stunt Butt. It's shaping up though - the only thing I'm really missing is a female member or two. Oh - and a script. But otherwise, it's solid.
