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1:55 p.m. - 11.19.2004
What a diff two years makes

Just a quickie to observe milestones -

Two years ago this weekend I was arrested. Assualt and battery on a police officer was it? Pish posh. Since when has a back-handed bitch-slap been "assualt"? Public servants are anything but.

Around this same time two years ago I hatched a thought: I wonder what life is like in Seattle?

Now two years on, and I actually live in kick-ass seattle. Crazy how that works, time. I came out here with nothing but the clothes on my back and now I got me an apartment, a nice little group of friends, a nice little job, a sweet little girlfriend. It seems now that events on the east coast were almost asking me to leave.

Then on Dec. 3, this site will be two years old as well. And I have just made 300 entries. Sadly, others (read: most)on my buddy list state they haven't updated in over 3 months - a status I have been in before and will be in again. I remember those heady first days of d-land. Making friends, joining circles. I guess this space (d-land) offers whatever the individual is searching for at each particular stage.

Anyhoo, enough from me, I gotta go make poop. Sentimentality makes my gassy.
