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10:09 a.m. - 12.09.2004
Joseph Arthur
Yesterday was one of those long, crappy, nothing-gets-resolved days at work - where you feel like going home and doing nothing all night.

Well, not nothing. Maybe just sitting in your room lit with nothing but the giant multi-colored christmas lights you strung around the place over the weekend - and maybe watching some season 1 episodes of Magnum PI that Netflix mysteriously sent you, even though you must have put it in your queue at some point, for some reason. Ever have one of those days?

Not me. Last night I ended up with some free tickets to see Joseph Arthur at the Crocodile.

I didn't know anything about this hombre so I hit Amazon and did some reading. (side note: I'm addicted to reading Amazon reviews. And whatever the road-rage equivelent of that is, I have it in buckets.)

Joseph Arthur's new album was reviewed as if Jesus himself had laid down a few fresh beats on some tracks, so I went excited.

Got to the Croc (an extremely tiny place considering it's fame, and that it's owned by REM's Peter Buck) and the opening act was on - Joan as Police Woman.

To my surprise, "Joan" was none other than Joan Wasser, her previously of the Dambuilders. You know, the violin-playing one. Needless to say, I loved the Dambuilders back in the day, so that was an added bonus.

After her set she stuck around and was Joseph Arthur's entire backing band. (I also read where she performs the same service for Rufus Wainwright, as seen on David Letterman.)

As for Joe - not too shabby. A weird David Gray meets No Twist thingy going on - at least live anyways. Afterwards they were burning copies of the show on the spot. My friend and I picked up the two disc live show we had just seen (two encores!) and then the studio album.

Just a random night. I guess Thomas Magnum can always wait...tonight: Deck the Hall Ball!
