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11:30 a.m. - 01.08.2003
A bottle of red... - B. Joel
I just wanted to say that I've had such a great time keeping up with one of my New Year's resolutions this year. And it's only been 8 days.

I decided I needed a little French Paradox in my life, so one of my resolutions was to enjoy a glass of red wine daily. ...This has been the best resolution ever!

However - I DO feel the need to revise my resolution a tad based on the way things have been going, so I find it easier to maintain compliance. From now on, my daily resolution is a glass of red and a power nap. The two seem to go hand in hand. Like chocolate and peanut butter.


I had my first meeting with a lawyer yesterday. I had no expectations - so it went well. I had planned on it being an interview of him and his qualifications - but it turned into more of a pep rally, with him psyching me up about how mistreated I've been and his wonderful plan of attack. Damn lawyers and their forked tongues - I couldn't resist his siren song. I have not entered into an agreement of services yet however. I still have one more lawyer to "interview". I love a good pep rally. I think I may invent a problem after this one, just to travel from one free consultation to another. It's doing wonders for my self esteem!

He did mention though that this nasty little affair will run me roughly $1500US. My joke about pesos didn't take well. For $1500 my bad-ass bohemian self could kick it jobless in Seattle for three months.

My hate for Officer Vaughn now grows exponentially. Man has tried to understand the unknown vastness of space - but I think it is just as hard to contemplate the equally unfathomable expanse of hate. His for me - and now mine for him. An ugly downward spiral I tell you. But I refuse to submit. When all is said and done, I'm going to send Officer Vaughn a nice care package. I'm thinking a basket of tropical fruits lined with Shel Silverstein, one of those squishy anger-management balls, some Hummels, and Epsom salts for soaking. - I always turn the other cheek.
